Turning Book Next >> Volume Two Intro!
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America in the Balances!
Voter Fraud! Jan. 6, 2021!
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For Upcoming Elections!
Vote Christian (Links1) Conservative (Links2)!
Candidates! ProTrump! ProTrump Wins!
Govs and States
Pharisees and Lawyers!
Jehovah LORD Jesus!

Please read my newspaper articles at the end of the last study [Volume Two] about some critical issues links [articles written during the Obama prestdency with some information that is still important and relevant for today] that will inform you and will help you make the right choices, especially in the up-coming elections.

Go to www.lasttrumpgathering.com/issues1.html for more.

"17,000,000 eligible conservative Christians failed to vote in 2012; Barack Obama won the election by 4,900,000 votes in 2012; and If just 29% of these 17,000,000 non-voting conservative Christians had bothered to vote in 2012, Barack Obama would not have been re-elected President."

Faith & Freedom Coalition!

In 2016, an estimated 40 million American Christians didn't vote (1).

CBN News!

Millions of Christians [with their heads in the sand] Who Don t/Won't Vote?! | Election 2020 (1, 2, m.i.).


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Turning Book Next >> Volume Two Intro!
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America in the Balances!
Voter Fraud! Jan. 6, 2021!
Books to Read!